2024 Q1 Pen & Progress
Hi everyone!
As it often does (because I sadly don’t get to spend my time searching for missing grimoires, flying with my dragon, or sparring with my devilishly handsome fae mate), life has gotten in the way of my updates. It is because of this that I’ve decided to switch to a quarterly update VS. a monthly one. This will allow me to keep everyone updated on my various projects, but also ensure I have time to focus on said things. So, without further ado, what have I been up to!?
I am extremely excited to announce that I have not one, but TWO scientific articles published this quarter. You can find both of them, here:
McFadden, A., Vierra, M., Robilliard, H., Martin, K., Brooks, S. A., Everts, R. E., & Lafayette, C. (2024). Population Analysis Identifies 15 Multi-Variant Dominant White Haplotypes in Horses. Animals, 14(3), 517.
McFadden, A., Martin, K., Vierra, M., Robilliard, H., Lundquist, E. W., Everts, R. E., ... & Lafayette, C. (2024). Three HPS5 Mutations Associated with Depigmentation in Diverse Horse Breeds. Livestock Science, 105454.
I also am also pleased to announce that I have an article in a magazine coming out next month! It is horse/work-related, but exciting nonetheless. I will include a link in next quarters updates!
NOW, on to the BEST part-
Heartbound: The Cursed Fae, is drafted. Through a twist of fate that I blame entirely on my characters- who refused to follow my plan- I have moved immediately onto the 2nd draft to tie up some loose ends. As promised, I released soome (very preliminary) character art on my socials. I hope you enjoy them!
So what about KOV: The Blood Sky? It has been pulled from my TBW pile, and I have been working on it while HTCF is in editing.
We’ve had some pretty amazing guests on the Writers Realm Podcast lately, covering everything from romantasy to writing fight scenes, to creating the perfect map for your world- so don’t forget to check those out! You can find us on Youtube, Spotify, Apple Music, and pretty much anywhere you could imagine to listen to a podcast. As always, don’t forget to #writeanddescribe to The Writer’s Realm Podcast so you don’t miss a thing!